The ADHD Parenting Solution Built for You

Find peace and confidence in guiding your teen with ADHD through home and school challenges. Join The Parent Academy, where you'll find a supportive community, invaluable insights, and a step-by-step proven program to help you confidently navigate life with an ADHD teen.


How are you holding up?

Let's face it, parenting a neurodivergent teen is not for the weak of heart. It can be exhausting worrying about your teen and feeling like you are their frontal lobe 24/7!

  • How is your teen managing their school work?
  • Are you tired of saying the same things over and over and your teen has stopped listening to you?
  • Are you worried you are enabling and doing too much for them?

Maybe you need a lifeline?

Some days you feel overwhelmed, exhausted and worry endlessly about your teen's future.

You want a peaceful home environment, one where everyone is on the same page navigating the daily challenges of ADHD.

Yet, some days the communication and misunderstandings lead to frustration and when you try and talk through it, your teen has tuned you out.

You desire a deep, empathetic connection with your teen: one that is respectful, fosters empathy and understanding, and one that supports their emotional well-being.

Yet some days your teen pushes your buttons and before you know it, you and your teen are arguing, voices are raised and frustration is high.

You want to support your teen on their path towards independence by having routines and structure in place and an organized plan for managing their school work.

Yet, your teen struggles with ADHD: time management, motivation, and implementing study plans and forgets to set reminders, hit the submit button, and turn in their work.

Let's put a pin in the doubts holding you back.

Big Doubt #1:

You've tried everything to support your teen, but nothing is working and they're tuning you out

I hear this all the time. And, let me share something that may surprise you: you may be doing too much for your teen. You may be too involved in their day-to-day life and it's contributing to their negative self-worth and feelings of inadequacies.

I get it: There's a real fine line between empowering and enabling. I help parents shift their mindsets and teach you how to navigate this fine line, to best support your teen's independence.

Big Doubt #2:

Your teen isn't motivated academically and you feel like nothing will help change their mind.

This may sound odd, but when I hear a teen say, "I don't care about school", that is music to my ears. Every teen cares. I'm deeply passionate and committed to believing this. What is happening is they are masking their shame, frustration, and stress by saying, " I don't care." When I hear this, that is an open invitation to start pouring into them with love, empathy, and compassion.

When teens begin having small wins around school, they will care. They gain confidence and realize how much they have been getting in their way by overthinking how much time and work it takes to get their grades above passing. I've worked with teens who have school refusal and are failing multiple classes. With lots of support, guidance, and encouragement, they begin moving the needle from failing to passing.

Big Doubt #3:

You believe punitive consequences encourage better behavior.

That used to be me. What I learned is that no matter what I took away or how I parented with control, the worse my relationship with my son became and nothing got better. The ADHD brain thrives with rewards and affirmations. Punishments do not work.

I help you learn how to communicate and approach ADHD behaviors with compassion and empathy. Your relationship will evolve into one marked by mutual respect where your teen listens and communicates more effectively, leading to a deeper connection.

Client Love

Imagine what it would be like to successfully navigate ADHD at home and school, decreasing worry around academics and your teen’s future. 

Implement strategies that help streamline morning routines, homework time, or bedtime routines with less stress and resistance.

Witness your teen feel more confident academically by supporting them with study plans, time management, and organization skills that play to their strengths and keep them on task.

Establish more effective and empathetic ways of communicating that lead to fewer misunderstandings and conflicts: An immediate improvement in daily interactions that will positively impact the tone of your home.

More effective communication reduces the overall stress levels of your family members. Having a more relaxed family time, fewer outbursts, and a general sense of calmness in the home.

Hey! I'm Kelly Biltz

Mom of two, stepmom of 2, "Nonni Sue" to 5 grandchildren, dedicated wife and mama, proud yogi, dog lover, and frozen Reese's peanut pretzel cup enthusiast. I navigate the chaos of a neurodiverse household with humor, particularly in managing ADHD. As an ADHD Teen Life Coach, I'm passionately dedicated to supporting high schoolers through their ADHD and academic journeys.

My path to becoming a coach was deeply personal, beginning with my struggles in connecting with my neurodiverse son. My journey from tension-filled arguments to a peaceful home inspired me to help others find harmony.

With over 3500 hours of coaching experience, I've helped teens improve grades, boost confidence, and master life skills. My work extends to parents, offering guidance to reset expectations and deepen connections.

If you're seeking support in navigating ADHD with your teen, I'm here to walk you step by step along your journey and the promise of a more harmonious family life. No more struggling alone. No more feeling overwhelmed. Let's quiet the chaos, reset expectations, and guide your teen toward independence. Are you ready to join me?



The Parent Academy

Inside this amazing program, you will have all the knowledge, strategies, and encouragement to thrive in a peaceful home where frustration is minimized and everyone feels heard, honored, and met right where they are.

I've taken all my years of learning, failing forward as a parent, coaching teens, parents, and families, and have created this love child of mine. This is your one-stop shop for parenting ADHD Teens.


Choose the pricing option that works best for you.

Included: all group coaching, training, courses, webinars, and more!


4 Payments of $385


1 Payment of $1499

See What's Included

You'll be supported every step of the way

Here's what's waiting for you inside The Parent Academy.

Live Training with Kelly

VALUE: $1499

The backbone and secret weapon of the Academy!

These Live Trainings happen throughout the month and are where I walk you step by step through daily "life" and how to establish routines, organization, communication, and practical techniques for you to best support your teen.

Group Coaching

VALUE: $1499

Got questions along the way? We meet throughout the month and get A's to your Q's! The Q&A's are quick power sessions where I answer your questions and you learn from others within our community!

The calls are via Zoom over 12 weeks but don’t sweat it if you can’t make it. You can always submit your question ahead of time and catch the recording later!

Live Training Topics

Understanding typical behaviors and how to meet your teen where they are.

Smoother days ahead: routines, organization and systems that work FOR your teen!

How to help your teen follow through and not get stuck with black and white thinking.

Master the front loading technique that is the ultimate game changer for preparing your teen for something they are not interested in doing!

Trigger Management: How to de-escalate tense moments when everyone's emotions are heightened.

Medication Management: Know what's working, symptoms, and why it's one piece of managing ADHD symptoms.

Motivation and scaling the "Wall of Awful"

How to speak so your teen won't tune you out!

Coping skills for Anxiety, RSD and Impulsivity!


ADHD 101

VALUE $799

ADHD 101 is a crash course on ADHD and Executive Functions (and everything I wish I knew when my son was diagnosed!)

  • 8 Pre-recorded Videos
  • What are ADHD and Executive Function Skills?
  • Stress Busting Academic Organization Systems
  • The Study Plan for Academic Success
  • 15 Strategies for Memory Recall and Retention
  • 12 Strategies for Accountability, Confidence, and Academic Independence
  • Instant Access to slideshow templates, and more!

Executive Function High School Webinars

VALUE $799

The EF Webinar recordings are packed with step-by-step, easy-to-implement strategies for helping your teen understand and manage, and play to their creative strengths.

  • 10 Pre-recorded Webinars
  • What are ADHD and Executive Function Skills?
  • Stress Busting Academic Organization Systems
  • The Study Plan for Academic Success
  • 15 Strategies for Memory Recall and Retention
  • 12 Strategies for Accountability, Confidence, and Academic Independence
  • Instant Access to slideshow templates, and more!

Study Skills Webinars

VALUE $ 399

It’s no secret, that our teens have not learned how to study and create systems that work FOR THEIR BRAIN. I’m sharing my proven, top study skills tips, tricks, and systems that work for all of my private clients...who, btw, are knocking it out of the park when it comes to academic success!

  • 4 Pre-Recorded Webinars
  • Master the step-by-step study plan that reduces stress and procrastination
  • Learn Memory strategies that will help your teen's recall and retention to make studying less stressful.
  • Note-taking strategies and Active Listening in the classroom are a must!
  • Test Taking Hacks
  • Instant Access

Homework Hero Course

VALUE $299

This 8 Module Mini Course (all videos under 10 minutes!), designed for teens, is the perfect tool to help them break down their school work, master their time, understand how long tasks take, and eliminate the stress and anxiety of school work.

  • 8 modules
  • Pre-recorded videos
  • Downloadable templates
  • Instant Access

Motivation Mini Course

VALUE $159

Understanding how to get started on the not-so-fun, busy work, or the project and essay work is an everyday challenge for teens. Understanding how to scale the "mountain" and get started will propel them to productivity!

Learning the art of breaking down projects, missing assignments, and essays is a life skill that will be used throughout their lives. This Super Pack is guaranteed to decrease overwhelm, get started, and increase productivity!

  • 4 pre-recorded videos
  • Slide deck and templates
  • Video lesson thumbnails
  • Instant Access


Right now, you get everything for only $1499


More Client Love

More Client Love

Want a peek inside?


Here's how it works:

As soon as you enroll, you’ll be sent a welcome email with your username and password to access The Parent Academy. Then, everything is yours & you can get started right away!

You’ll be invited to join our Live Training and Group Calls where you’ll meet me and hang out with fellow parents who will welcome you into the community!





It’s both! Inside The Parent Academy, you will have instant access to lots of products and courses for both yourself and your teen. But true learning doesn’t take place in a vacuum. The Zoom calls are where the implementation and "A-ha's" happen!

I show up on Zoom throughout the month for living training and Q&A group coaching calls.

(Think of these like mini-coaching sessions where you get your questions answered!)


As soon as you enroll, you’ll be sent a welcome email with login information to create your username and password to access The Parent Academy. Then, everything is yours & you can get started right away!

You’ll be invited to join the Zoom calls where you'll meet with me for support and coaching in a group setting.


While it is hard to meet everyone’s schedule, the majority of Live Training and Group Coaching will take place late afternoon on Sundays EST. All live calls are recorded!


The Zoom training and Group Coaching last 4 months. You have lifetime access to The Parent Academy and all its resources!


Absolutely! The Parent Academy comes with a 7-day 100% money-back guarantee, which means you can join risk-free, take a look around, and get a full refund if the space isn’t for you.

That being said, please don’t be that person who joins, downloads the stuff, and asks for their money back. I've poured my heart into this program specifically for families who are ready to be poured into! And, I’ve yet to see that strategy work. Plus, it’s bad karma, ok?

Time for a little heart to heart.

Time to stop to enjoy the last few years of having your teen in the home. Mama, it's time to savor these precious last years with your teen. I understand the challenges of parenting a neurodiverse teen and your unwavering commitment to their well-being.

But you're not alone. Together, we can achieve:

  • Peaceful Interactions: Minimize conflicts and ensure everyone feels valued.
  • Stress-Free Daily Routines: Establish smooth routines tailored to your teen's ADHD, promoting independence.
  • Self-Management of ADHD: Equip your teen with effective strategies for daily challenges.
  • Deep Emotional Connection: Foster mutual understanding and respect, strengthening your bond.
  • Thriving in School: Unlock your teen's academic potential with tailored support.

I'd love to walk alongside you on your parenting journey 🫶🏻

Let's get started.

I'd love to see you on our next coaching call!


100% Risk Free

When you join The Parent Academy, you’re welcomed into a space that’s got everything you need to manage life in your home and create that peaceful, fully functioning family that you've dreamed of! Hundreds of students/clients and families have used these strategies and tools to create less stress in the home life and collaborate with their teens on their journey to independence and managing ADHD.

But, even though I know this program is so valuable, you deserve the chance to join risk-free to see if it’s for you. If you don’t think it’s every bit as awesome as I’ve promised, simply request a refund within 7 days of purchase, and you’ll be refunded in full. There are no strings attached, no forms to fill out, nothing to prove, and I won’t question you. I won’t even ask for all of your newly gained parenting insight and strategy back ;)